Basic principles to determine whether the salaries received is subject to Hong Kong Salaries Tax

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As you are foreigner and under foreign employment of XYZ Limited (Hong Kong Limited company under the Hong Kong companies ordinance), the basic principles to determine whether the salaries received is subject to Hong Kong Salaries Tax as below:

 1.      If you visit to Hong Kong no more than 60 days in a calendar year or no services rendered in Hong Kong, then the salaries is exempted from Hong Kong Salaries tax.

2.      If you visit to Hong Kong more than 60 days in a calendar year, you will subject to Hong Kong salaries tax based on the portion of number of day visit in Hong Kong.

3.      The personal allowance for the calendar year from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 was HK$120,000 (if married person, the allowance was HK$240,000). Therfore, if your salaries during the said period was less than the mentioned allowance, no Hong Kong Salaries Tax would be payable.

4.      Simply, Hong Kong Salaries Tax payable is calculated at progressive rates on your net chargeable income or at standard rate on your net income, whichever is lower.


Progressive rate: 2% of first HK$40,000 received; 7% of second HK$40,0000; 12% of third HK$40,000 and 17% would be charged for the remaining portion).


Standard: 15%